Home / ATC Professional Recertification

Recertifying with ATC Professional demonstrates that your skills and experience are up to date.


ATC Professional certification lasts for five years. In the final year of your certification period, we may ask you to update us on your experience and confirm that you're still active in the auditing profession.

If chosen to submit your recertification details, you will be contacted and have a six-month period to provide the required information. The process is now fully online and we recommend that you record your continuing professional development (CPD), audits and work experience regularly, as when you come to recertify this information will be automatically added to your application.

Recertification requirements

You will need to provide us with evidence that you are a current, competent, practising auditor, by submitting details of your audits, CPD and work experience. You can do this at any time in the members' area of our website.

Your recertification requirements will differ depending on which ATC Professional grade you currently hold. The table below gives a breakdown of the requirements by grade.

Grade Audit Requirements CPD Requirements
Associate Internal Auditor No audit requirement Minimum of three objectives, including all elements of the PDCA cycle
Internal Auditor Eight audits, including 25 hours on site Minimum of three objectives, including all elements of the PDCA cycle
Associate Auditor (formerly Provisional Auditor) No audit requirement Minimum of three objectives, including all elements of the PDCA cycle
Auditor Eight audits, including three full system audits with 13 days on site Minimum of three objectives, including all elements of the PDCA cycle
Lead Auditor Eight audits, including three full system audits, one leading a team, with 13 days on site Minimum of three objectives, including all elements of the PDCA cycle
Principal Auditor Evidence of continued work experience related to relevant management systems and involvement in auditing or related activities Minimum of three objectives, including all elements of the PDCA cycle


Each year many auditors believe they have not fulfilled the CPD or audit requirements but go on to renew successfully after discussing their situation and experience with a member of our certification team. We have found that most auditors underestimate the amount of CPD they complete.

If in doubt, please contact us. We are here to help.

Recertify at the right grade for you

You can recertify at your current certification grade, or if you don't think you can meet the recertification requirement for that grade, you may choose to recertify at a lower grade during the process.

Once you have completed your recertification and received your renewal offer, you will be sent a promotional code giving you the opportunity to advance to a higher grade without having to pay a regrade fee. You will still need to meet the regrade requirements of the grade you wish to move to.

There is no fee for recertifying but you will need to pay the appropriate annual renewal fee once your recertification has been completed. Please visit our fees page for details of the annual fees for your country.

Has your certification lapsed?

If your recertification date has already passed, you may no longer be certified as an ATC Professional auditor. You can still recertify in the normal way, provided that your certification expired less than five years ago. Complete the online Return to ATC Professional form and one our membership team will be in touch. If your ATC Professional certification expired more than five years ago, you'll need to start a new application.